Managing and maintaining your site requires that we connect to it in multiple ways. We of course need admin access to WordPress as well as an SFTP connection, but here’s the full why, what and how of how we keep your site in good order.
WordPress Admin Account – Unless you create an admin account for us, we will first log into your site using the credentials you provide, then create a new user for ourselves – usuallycinchws
SFTP Account – Similar to the admin account, we create our own SFTP if possible. This allows us to connect directly to your server to restore from a backup or clean up malware. It also comes in handy if you need help with file-based issues with your site.
We install a few plugins that help us manage your site:
- BlogVault – Backup and security system
- MainWP Child – Software connection and monitoring
- WP Rocket – Site Performance
- WP Security Audit Log – Security and event logging
- Imagify – Image
Note that not all of these plugins are installed for every subscription and you may not be able to see them from the admin. Our goal is to keep your site running
We store your credentials in a secure system and only what information is necessary. For example, if you give us your email password to help troubleshoot something, we will not keep those credentials on file. If you cancel your subscription, all credentials will be deleted.
Please reach out if you have questions or concerns on how we manage your site. We want you to be confident that we have your back.