If you installed the Gutenberg plugin to get a head start on the new ‘Gutenberg’ editor prior to its inclusion in WordPress 5.0, you may be wondering if you should now delete the plugin.
Yes, you can delete the Gutenberg plguin
Now that Gutenberg is the default editor in WordPress 5.0+ you will notice it has been deactivated. You can now safely delete it from your list of plugins and continue using the new editor.
But maybe you shouldn’t…
While you can delete the Gutenberg plugin and continue to use the new block editor, if you decide to keep it active and updated you’ll benefit from the newest features that the Gutenberg team is putting out.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that your theme is ready for it, but as it matures and themes adapt, you’d be ready.
Happy Blogging!
1 Comment
I don’t like the Gutenberg plugin, it has a lot of bugs.